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Wing commander privateer cockpit transparent

wing commander privateer cockpit transparent

Do we morally judge Bob when he behaves callously to vulnerable women, given that dispositional empathy is apparently sort of heritable?

wing commander privateer cockpit transparent

There is no inner you with a capital Y that can act freely, irrespective of your life experiences, moral values, and genetic inclinations, An individual person is just the sum of those parts. To imagine a ghost in the machine that exists independent of the contents of your mind is absurd. People are their personality traits, their thoughts, desires and inclinations.


Ow morally accountable should people be for non-pathological features of their own personality?Īny other conclusion seems to me to involve some strange ideas about personal identity and free will that I can’t make much sense of. (And to the libertarians who will inevitably come here and argue that Spectrum should be allowed to provide as much or as little service as they want without any government intervention: yes, you’re very smart, shut up.) Still, I think something doesn’t quite add up here. This smells like reporters overestimating their own importance if you ask me. I’ve seen a more sinister suggestion: Spectrum owns NY1, one of the few media sources that extensively covers state-level politics, and the state is shutting down Spectrum as revenge for NY1’s hard-hitting coverage. (Long after the merger, everyone still calls them “Time Warner.” This must have been unpleasant for the actual Time Warner, which sold off the cable company years ago and finally changed its name to Warner Media last month after its own merger with AT&T.) But the timing doesn’t quite work: 60 days from now is before the election, so we’ll know by then if the Spectrum shutdown isn’t going to happen – or if it does happen and the switchover to the new owners goes poorly. The obvious explanation is that it’s an election year, the governor is struggling in the polls, and kicking the universally hated Time Warner out of the state is easy red meat for the crowd. So I’m not sure why the PSC, normally a poster child for regulatory capture, is suddenly giving Spectrum the third degree. And so far Spectrum’s stock price has barely budged, indicating the markets don’t think it’ll really happen – either the state will back down or Spectrum will appeal and win. This is an extreme step – normally this sort of thing leads to a sharply worded letter of disapproval, a nominal fine, and a return to business as usual. They’ve failed to meet those standards, so the state has retroactively disapproved the merger. The official grounds for the decision are that when Time Warner Cable merged with Charter to form Spectrum a couple years ago, they promised to build out numerous service improvements as a condition of the state’s approval of the merger.


So here’s an odd story: the New York State Public Service Commission has revoked the license of the state’s dominant cable company, Spectrum, and given them 60 days to sell off all their systems and exit the state.

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